Edit, Archive or Delete Clients & Projects

You’ll learn how to edit archive or delete clients and projects

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How To Edit Archive or Delete A Project

First lets explore how to edit archive or delete a project

Access the projects page from the navigation bar or the dashboard

Select the project you wish to action – this will take you to the project home page

From here Click the edit icon at the top right to access the project details page

Here, you can adjust the project information including the title, details, description, deadline or you can upload project related documents such as research reports or project briefs

When you’re finished simply hit save

Alternatively, you can either archive or delete the project by clicking the relevant icon on the bottom right.

A notification will appear for you to confirm. Remember, if you archive a project it can be retrieved, but if you delete a project it cannot

To retrieve an archived projects, return to the projects page on the navigation bar and select the status filter “Archived”

Access the project details page and hit the “recover icon on the bottom right

How To Edit Archive or Delete A Client

Editing, archiving or deleting clients is very simimilar to projects

Start by accessing the clients page

Then, click the client you want to action which will take you to the client home for that client

This page will show the client details, including all of the related projects

To edit the client simply click the “Edit client” button on the top right of the page

From here you can edit the clients details including the logo, the name and other client information and the client tag and colour – when you’re finished, simply hit save.

Back at the client home for the specific client, you can find the archive and delete botton on the bottom right of the screen –

Remember, archived clients can be recovered in the same way as projects can but deleted clients cannot

It’s also important to remember that deleting a client will automatically delete projects of that client.

As always you’l receive a warning before proceeding